Monday, February 22, 2010

Mim's Choice

Tip-toe through the Tulips
by Tiny Tim

Yes, Yes... I know this is can be one of the most annoying songs of all time. But...
It did make the Uke famous.
And if you play Ukulele, people always ask if you can play this one.
Also, if you get past Tiny Tim's warbling falsetto... it is really cute song!

Tiny Tim Singing it On Laugh-In

A few videos to prove this song is great without the falsetto.

Chico's Choice

Soul Sister
by Train

This is a great choice. It is current and is in fact a song that features the Uke.

* In looking for the chords for this song, I found about 4 different versions.
I will post links to 3 different options:

(1) The chords that match the Train performance

(2) Chico's chords that were taught to him
Verse: F C Dm Bflat
Chorus: Bflat C F C

(3) A simplified version

And here is a live performance of just voice and uke... good stuff!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Some orders of business...

If you have a song you would like to share at the next jam... please e-mail me (alohasnowllc (at) aol (dot) com) or just comment here with a link to the chords you want to use. Also, if there is a youtube video of someone doing a version of the song that you like, send us a link to that too! I will list all the songs, tabs, and videos on the blog. That way those coming can be prepared on a few of the songs we play. Let's mix it up a bit... so all types of songs accepted. If there are chords for it... we can play it!!!

Also, if you want to put a picture or avatar of yourself in the sidebar... e-mail me a pic. I would love to have a picture of all the regular jammers on the blog! Also, any sites you found helpful for Uke players, let me know and I will add those to the Ukulele links!

Any other ideas for the blog?... let me know!

Thanks guys!
I am looking forward to the next one.
Charlotte, Uke, Jam, Ukulele

1st Uke Jam

We had about 6 Ukes, 2 Guitar, 1 Trumpet and a lot of fun!
Interested in joining us? E-mail us: AlohaSnowLLC (at) aol (dot) com
